03 January 2012

Focused on the 2 to the K to the 12.

We're off!

I started to put together an End of Year Spectacular-type posting but realized a few things about my 2011 that rendered that idea impractical.

First, I am frighteningly unaware of all that happened in the last twelve months and delving into research for the posting only drove the point in further. (Jack LaLane died?  Wait -- Harry Morgan died?!!?!?)  So, I decided to skip the news and pop culture and just go with movies and music.

The second thing I realized was I had only seen ten movies in 2011.  TEN!  How is that possible, when I spent two months unemployed?

The third thing I realized is I bought a lot of music last year.  iTunes loves me.

As for me and my personal year, it was everything a year should be, with some highs, some lows, some memorable moments and a few I'd like to forget.  I learned an awful lot about myself this year and that learning was not always easy.  Or pleasant. 

I lost a job I loved.  It was unexpected and painful and was very much like the end of a romantic relationship.  I missed my friends, the work I did and the foxhole mentality of Friday night pushes to get the queue under 50.  I had a disastrous short-term contract I now refer to as the rebound job and had to question everything about myself.  I came out of it stronger though.  I realized my market value, found a position where I can utilize my strengths and am better-paid than I was a year ago.  The fresh start has been good for me and, in retrospect, I am professionally happier today than I was twelve months ago.

I saw the definitive end to a long-term relationship.  It had really been dead for over a year but there was some mutual, "lingering".  And while I made an ill-advised last-minute dash to salvage things, I know now that I should really have let it die the day I initiated the breakup.  Today, she is newly (I presume happily) married and I am a much better person without her than I ever was with her.  To me, that's a happy ending for everyone.

I watched my love, my little Isabella grow and change and develop and steal my heart.  Being a grandfather is an amazing experience.  I cannot put into words what she adds to my life and I thank God for allowing me to be a part of hers.

Life is good.  On every level.  It's not always what we want it to be and it is certainly fraught with peril and pain at many a turn.  But that is the stuff of life.  Feeling and breathing and sharing and fighting and fucking.

All of it. 

I am thankful to God for every breath I take.  I just wish I told Him that more often.  And I am blessed with some wonderful people with whom to share my journey.  I am unworthy of their love but gladly accept it, while doing my best to reciprocate.

Whatever was thrown at me, I was happy to be alive on 1 Jan 2012 and pray I am in one year's time, no matter what transpires.

I wish all of you abundant blessings in the coming year and hope you not only exult in your successes but bear your burdens with dignity and grace.  

Happy New Year.

Now, onto some of what we loved best in 2011.


As alluded to earlier, when we started to compile a list of our favorite movies in 2011, we realized we only saw ten.  Well, that makes for a pretty easy Top Ten list, eh?

10.  The Beaver

Totally was not about what we thought.  Actually, this was one of those, "I'm going to go to the theater and see whatever is starting next", things.  It can't always be Citizen Cane.  If you can believe it, the movie is even worse than the trailer.

9.  Larry Crowne

Proof a middle-aged guy on a scooter can score a movie star.  Our kinda flic.  Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts, so you know it'll be capably acted.  Sometimes fluff is ok.

8. J. Edgar

Being history junkies, we were looking forward to this movie more than any other of 2011.  For that reason, we're probably harsher than most in judging it.  Clint Eastwood is a great director and cinematically, this is a beautiful picture.  That being said, we just never bought Leonardo DiCaprio as J. Edgar Hoover.  We always felt like we were watching Frank Abagnale Jr. play J. Edgar Hoover.  Philip Seymour Hoffman would have killed it in this role.

7. 50/50

Authentic without being maudlin, uplifting without resorting to schmaltz, this movie was better than we expected.  Having thrown down with cancer at around the same age as the protagonist (and won), we can appreciate many aspects of this film. 

6. Margin Call

They had us at Kevin Spacey.  Add Stanley Tucci and we'd pay to see it even if they were taking turns reading the phone book.  While we know it didn't go down like it did in this movie, we definitely believe there were people who absolutely knew the economic collapse of 2008 was coming and let it happen anyway, while saving their own ass.  Jeremy Irons, Demi Moore and the dude from the Mentalist all delivered solid performances, as well.

5.  Source Code

Groundhog Day meets The Matrix meets Speed.  Quality execution of a premise that in less-skilled hands could have been laughable.

4. Hobo with a Shotgun

The name says it all.  It's a hobo.  With a shotgun! Rutger Hauer in grindhouse ridiculousness.

3.   Into the Abyss

A documentary centered around two young men in Texas, who are convicted in relation to a triple homicide.  One gets life in prison, the other gets the needle.  Who got the worse sentence?  And can there ever be redemption for the guilty or solace for the victim?  A fabulous, balanced case study of the capital punishment issue, filmed in its de facto home state.

2.  of Gods and Men

The true story of eight Trappist monks, living peacefully in Algeria, tending to a mostly Muslim flock, until politics and fanaticism render it impossible. A superb depiction of what happens when religion pushes God aside, in favor of politics, power and the things of this world. 

1.  Shame

You'd think a story about a guy and his porn, hookers and masturbation would be comedy.  Or at least, well...porn.  Not so in this instance.  This is a tale of addiction, about a man who starts out enjoying the high, only to become a slave to that which he chased.  Seeking a progressively powerful fix, his life becomes hostage to his desire.  His release, a return to despair.  A haunting, lonely movie.

Next up, either The NBA Preseason Spectacular or 2011, the Year in Music.  (whichever we finish writing first.)  

And with that, we bid you adieu.

Until next time,
Keep the Faith

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